Zuria Bauer

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Computer Vision and Geometry Group, ETHZ

Zuria Bauer | Postdoctoral Researcher at the Computer Vision and Geometry Group, ETHZ

Articles listed in chronological order:

Lost and Found: Updating Dynamic 3D Scene Graphs from Egocentric Observations 

Responsive image Authors: Tjark Behrens and René Zurbrügg and Marc Pollefeys and Zuria Bauer
and Hermann Blum Conference: Under Submission
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    @misc{behrens2024lostfoundupdating, title={Lost & Found: Updating Dynamic 3D Scene Graphs from Egocentric Observations}, author={Tjark Behrens and René Zurbrügg and Marc Pollefeys and Zuria Bauer and Hermann Blum}, year={2024}, eprint={2411.19162}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.19162}, }

HoloSpot: Intuitive Object Manipulation via Mixed Reality Drag-and-Drop 

Responsive image Authors: Pablo Soler Garcia and Petar Lukovi and Lucie Reynaud and Andrea Sgobbi and Federica Bruni and Martin Brun and Marc Zünd and Riccardo Bollati and Marc Pollefeys and Hermann Blum and Zuria Bauer
Conference: Under Submission
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    @misc{garcia2024holospotintuitiveobjectmanipulation, title={HoloSpot: Intuitive Object Manipulation via Mixed Reality Drag-and-Drop}, author={Pablo Soler Garcia and Petar Lukovic and Lucie Reynaud and Andrea Sgobbi and Federica Bruni and Martin Brun and Marc Zünd and Riccardo Bollati and Marc Pollefeys and Hermann Blum and Zuria Bauer}, year={2024}, eprint={2410.11110}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.11110}, }

SpotLight: Robotic Scene Understanding through Interaction and Affordance Detection 

Responsive image Authors: Tim Engelbracht and René Zurbrügg and Marc Pollefeys and Hermann Blum and Zuria Bauer
Conference: Under Submission
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    @misc{engelbracht2024spotlightroboticsceneunderstanding, title={SpotLight: Robotic Scene Understanding through Interaction and Affordance Detection}, author={Tim Engelbracht and René Zurbrügg and Marc Pollefeys and Hermann Blum and Zuria Bauer}, year={2024}, eprint={2409.11870}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO}, url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.11870}, }

MaRINeR: Enhancing Novel Views by Matching Rendered Images with Nearby References 

Responsive image Authors: Lukas Bösiger and Mihai Dusmanu and Marc Pollefeys and Zuria Bauer
Conference: European Conference on Computer Vision 2024
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    @inproceedings{bosiger2025mariner, title={MaRINeR: Enhancing Novel Views by Matching Rendered Images with Nearby References}, author={B{\"o}siger, Lukas and Dusmanu, Mihai and Pollefeys, Marc and Bauer, Zuria}, booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision}, pages={76--94}, year={2025}, organization={Springer} }

Spot-Compose: A Framework for Open-Vocabulary Object Retrieval and Drawer Manipulation in Point Clouds 

Responsive image Authors: Oliver Lemke, Zuria Bauer, Rene Zurbrügg, Marc Pollefeys, Francis Engelmann and Hermann Blum
Conference: 2nd Workshop on Mobile Manipulation and Embodied Intelligence at ICRA 2024
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    @inproceedings{lemke2024spotcompose, title={Spot-Compose: A Framework for Open-Vocabulary Object Retrieval and Drawer Manipulation in Point Clouds}, author={Oliver Lemke and Zuria Bauer and Ren{\'e} Zurbr{\"u}gg and Marc Pollefeys and Francis Engelmann and Hermann Blum}, booktitle={2nd Workshop on Mobile Manipulation and Embodied Intelligence at ICRA 2024}, year={2024}, url={https://openreview.net/forum?id=DoKoCqOts2} }

NeRFmentation: NeRF-based Augmentation for Monocular Depth Estimation 

Responsive image Authors: Casimir Feldmann, Niall Siegenheim, Nikolas Hars, Lovro Rabuzin, Mert Ertugrul, Luca Wolfart, Marc Pollefeys, Zuria Bauer and Martin R Oswald
Conference: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) - Workshop on Synthetic Data for Computer Vision 2024
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    @article{feldmann2024nerfmentation, title={NeRFmentation: NeRF-based Augmentation for Monocular Depth Estimation}, author={Feldmann, Casimir and Siegenheim, Niall and Hars, Nikolas and Rabuzin, Lovro and Ertugrul, Mert and Wolfart, Luca and Pollefeys, Marc and Bauer, Zuria and Oswald, Martin R}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03771}, year={2024} }

NVS-MonoDepth: Improving Monocular Depth Prediction with Novel View Synthesis 

Responsive image Authors: Zuria Bauer, Zuoyue Li, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Miguel Cazorla, Marc Pollefeys and Martin R Oswald
Conference: 2021 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)
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    @inproceedings{bauer2021nvs, title={NVS-MonoDepth: Improving Monocular Depth Prediction with Novel View Synthesis}, author={Bauer, Zuria and Li, Zuoyue and Orts-Escolano, Sergio and Cazorla, Miguel and Pollefeys, Marc and Oswald, Martin R}, booktitle={2021 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)}, pages={848--858}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }

Enhancing perception for the visually impaired with deep learning techniques and low-cost wearable sensors 

Authors: Zuria Bauer, Alejandro Dominguez, Edmanuel Cruz, Francisco Gomez-Donoso, Sergio Orts-Escolano and Miguel Cazorla
Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters (2020)
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    @article{bauer2020enhancing, title={Enhancing perception for the visually impaired with deep learning techniques and low-cost wearable sensors}, author={Bauer, Zuria and Dominguez, Alejandro and Cruz, Edmanuel and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco and Orts-Escolano, Sergio and Cazorla, Miguel}, journal={Pattern recognition letters}, volume={137}, pages={27--36}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier} }

COMBAHO: A deep learning system for integrating brain injury patients in society

Authors: Jose Garcia-Rodriguez, Francisco Gomez-Donoso, Sergiu Oprea, ... Zuria Bauer et al.
Journal: Pattern Recognition Letters (2020)
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    @article{garcia2020combaho, title={COMBAHO: A deep learning system for integrating brain injury patients in society}, author={Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco and Oprea, Sergiu and Garcia-Garcia, Alberto and Cazorla, Miguel and Orts-Escolano, Sergio and Bauer, Zuria and Castro-Vargas, John and Escalona, Felix and Ivorra-Piqueres, David and others}, journal={Pattern Recognition Letters}, volume={137}, pages={80--90}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier} }

Refining the Fusion of Pepper Robot and Estimated Depth Maps Method for Improved 3D Perception

Authors: Zuria Bauer, Felix Escalona, Edmanuel Cruz, Miguel Cazorla and Francisco Gomez-Donoso
Journal: IEEE Access (2019)

    @article{bauer2019refining, title={Refining the fusion of pepper robot and estimated depth maps method for improved 3d perception}, author={Bauer, Zuria and Escalona, Felix and Cruz, Edmanuel and Cazorla, Miguel and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={7}, pages={185076--185085}, year={2019}, publisher={IEEE} }

UASOL, a large-scale high-resolution outdoor stereo dataset

Responsive image Authors: Zuria Bauer, Francisco Gomez-Donoso, Edmanuel Cruz, Sergio Orts-Escolano and Miguel Cazorla
Journal: Scientific Data - Nature Publishing Group (2019)
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    @article{bauer2019uasol, title={UASOL, a large-scale high-resolution outdoor stereo dataset}, author={Bauer, Zuria and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco and Cruz, Edmanuel and Orts-Escolano, Sergio and Cazorla, Miguel}, journal={Scientific data}, volume={6}, number={1}, pages={1--14}, year={2019}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group} }

Geoffrey: an automated schedule system on a social robot for the intellectually challenged

Authors: Edmanuel Cruz, Félix Escalona, Zuria Bauer, Miguel Cazorla, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez, Ester Martinez-Martin, José Carlos Rangel and Francisco Gomez-Donoso
Journal: Hindawi (2018)
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    @article{cruz2018geoffrey, title={Geoffrey: An automated schedule system on a social robot for the intellectually challenged}, author={Cruz, Edmanuel and Escalona, F{\'e}lix and Bauer, Zuria and Cazorla, Miguel and Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose and Martinez-Martin, Ester and Rangel, Jos{\'e} Carlos and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco}, journal={Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience}, volume={2018}, publisher={Hindawi} }

Semantic Localization of a Robot in a Real Home

Authors: Edmanuel Cruz, Zuria Bauer, José Carlos Rangel, Miguel Cazorla and Francisco Gomez-Donoso
Journal: Workshop of Physical Agents (2018)

    @inproceedings{cruz2018semantic, title={Semantic localization of a robot in a real home}, author={Cruz, Edmanuel and Bauer, Zuria and Rangel, Jos{\'e} Carlos and Cazorla, Miguel and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco}, booktitle={Workshop of Physical Agents}, pages={3--15}, year={2018}, organization={Springer} }

Improving the 3D Perception of the Pepper Robot Using Depth Prediction from Monocular Frames

Authors: Zuria Bauer, Felix Escalona, Edmanuel Cruz, Miguel Cazorla and Francisco Gomez-Donoso
Journal: Workshop of Physical Agents (2018)

    @inproceedings{bauer2018improving, title={Improving the 3D perception of the pepper robot using depth prediction from monocular frames}, author={Bauer, Zuria and Escalona, Felix and Cruz, Edmanuel and Cazorla, Miguel and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco}, booktitle={Workshop of Physical Agents}, pages={132--146}, year={2018}, organization={Springer} }

Finding the Place: How to Train and Use Convolutional Neural Networks for a Dynamically Learning Robot

Authors: Edmanuel Cruz, José Carlos Rangel, Francisco Gomez-Donoso, Zuria Bauer, Miguel Cazorla and José García-Rodríguez
Journal: 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

    @inproceedings{cruz2018finding, title={Finding the place: how to train and use convolutional neural networks for a dynamically learning robot}, author={Cruz, Edmanuel and Rangel, Jos{\'e} Carlos and Gomez-Donoso, Francisco and Bauer, Zuria and Cazorla, Miguel and Garc{\'\i}a-Rodr{\'\i}guez, Jos{\'e}}, booktitle={2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)}, pages={1--8}, year={2018}, organization={IEEE} }